Jenny Palm
Head of department
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Energy communities in Sweden: Challenging established ideas of aim, place and engagement
Anna Bergek, Jenny Palm
(2024) Energy Research & Social Science, 115
Journal articleOral histories of domestic heating transitions in England and Sweden : lessons on how heating transitions play out across place and time
Aimee Ambrose, Jenny Palm, Stephen Parkes, Beth Speake
(2024) International Journal of Housing Policy
Journal articleHistories of heating: looking back, moving forwards
Aimee Ambrose, Jenny Palm, Stephen Parkes, Beth Speake
(2024) Post-Carbon Inclusion : Transitions Built on Justice , p.36-52
Book chapterFlexible electricity consumption policies in Norway and Sweden : Implications for energy justice
Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg, Jenny Palm, Eivind Hjort Matthiasen
(2024) Energy Research and Social Science, 110
Journal articleSol i gemenskap: deltagande, organisation och regelverk (SiG) - slutrapport
Anna Bergek, Jenny Palm
ReportExploring PV Adoption by Non-Residential Property Owners: Applying Social Practice Theory
Katharina Reindl, Jenny Palm
(2024) International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 41 p.20-33
Journal articleLooking back to move forwards: A social and cultural history of home heating (JUSTHEAT) : Interim findings from the first round of case studies
Aimee Ambrose, Kathy Davies, Becky Shaw, Sally Shahzad, George Jiglau, et al.
ReportThe Colour of Heating was Red: An overview of historical and policy narratives of domestic heating in Sweden, 1940 - present : JustHeat Strand II Report
Jenny von Platten, Jenny Palm
ReportForbrukerfleksibilitet: Et kunnskapsgrunnlag for å forstå husholdningers oppfatninger og muligheter
Karina Standal, Marianne Aasen, Ingrid Christensen, Tor Håkon Jackson Inderberg, Tom Erik Julsrud, et al.
(2023) CICERO Report
ReportEnergy communities as accelerators of energy transition in cities
Jenny Palm
(2023) A Research Agenda for Sustainable Cities and Communities , p.69-80
Book chapterEnergigemenskap – olika modeller för att äga förnybar energi gemensamt
Ellen Boije Af Gennäs Erre, Jenny Palm
ReportThe unhinged paradox – what does it mean for the energy system?
Patrik Thollander, Jenny Palm
(2023) Advances in Applied Energy, 10
Journal articleExploring energy citizenship in the urban heating system with the ‘Walking with Energy’ methodology
Jenny Palm, Aimee Ambrose
(2023) Energy, Sustainability and Society, 13
Journal articleDrivers and barriers to participation in Sweden’s local flexibility markets for electricity
Jenny Palm, Anna-Riikka Kojonsaari, Isak Öhrlund, Nina Fowler, Cajsa Bartusch
(2023) Utilities Policy, 82
Journal articleSveriges utsläpp måste minska nu, regeringen : 531 forskare: Annars är sveket monumentalt – ni kan inte säga att ni inte visste
Alasdair Skelton, Kimberly Nicholas, Lennart Olsson, David Alcer, Tomas Persson, et al.
(2023) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleDomestic Heating Transitions: A Literature Review
Lindsey McCarthy, Aimee Ambrose, George Jiglau, Jenny Palm, Sofie Pelsmakers, et al.
ReportExploring total economic values in an emerging urban circular wastewater system
Christoffer Wadström, Karolina Södergren, Jenny Palm
(2023) Water Research, 233
Journal article reviewEnergy efficiency at building sites: barriers and drivers
Jenny Palm, Emma Bryngelsson
(2023) Energy Efficiency, 16
Journal articleThe role of thermal energy communities in Germany’s heating transition
Katharina Hartmann, Jenny Palm
(2023) Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 4
Journal articleThe development of social science research on smart grids : a semi-structured literature review
A. R. Kojonsaari, J. Palm
(2023) Energy, Sustainability and Society, 13
Journal article reviewDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleContribution and missed opportunity in research on energy democracy and energy citizenship
Jenny Palm
Web publicationPolicy Brief: Regeringen menar att det inte finns behov av lag om energigemenskaper
Jenny Palm, Ellen Boije af Gennäs Erre
OtherLaunching the Mission for 100 Climate Neutral Cities in Europe: Characteristics, Critiques, and Challenges
Katherine Shabb, Kes Mccormick, Selma Mujkic, Stefan Anderberg, Jenny Palm, et al.
(2022) Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, 3
Journal articleThe role of energy democracy and energy citizenship for participatory energy transitions: A comprehensive review
Madeleine Wahlund, Jenny Palm
(2022) Energy Research & Social Science, 87
Journal article reviewDistributed Energy Systems and Energy Communities Under Negotiation
Anna Riikka Kojonsaari, Jenny Palm
(2021) Technology and Economics of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy, 6
Journal articleWhen a hard-to-reach-user meet a hard-to-reach-company : the roll-out of smart meters
Jenny Palm
Web publicationNew clean energy communities in polycentric settings : Four avenues for future research
J. Blasch, N. M. van der Grijp, D. Petrovics, J. Palm, N. Bocken, et al.
(2021) Energy Research and Social Science, 82
Journal articlePerceptions of participation and the role of gender for the engagement in solar energy communities in Sweden
Daniela Lazoroska, Jenny Palm, Anna Bergek
(2021) Energy, Sustainability and Society, 11
Journal articleThe Transposition of Energy Communities into Swedish Regulations: Overview and Critique of Emerging Regulations
Jenny Palm
(2021) Energies, 14
Journal articleEnergy communities in different national settings – barriers, enablers and best practices
Jenny Palm
ReportExploring limited capacity in the grid : Actors, problems and solutions
Jenny Palm
(2021) Frontiers in Energy Research, 9
Journal articleData-center infrastructure and energy gentrification : perspectives from Sweden
Frans Libertson, Julia Velkova, Jenny Palm
(2021) Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 17 p.153-162
Journal article”Om vi förblir passiva kan det i värsta fall leda till energigentrifiering.”
Frans Libertson, Jenny Palm, Julia Velkova
(2021) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleHow Organization Models Impact the Governing of Industrial Symbiosis in Public Wastewater Management. An Explorative Study in Sweden
Karolina Södergren, Jenny Palm
(2021) Water, 13
Journal article”Debatten riskerar att förbise bättre och billigare lösningar på elbristfrågan”
Frans Libertson, Jenny Palm
(2021) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleThe role of local governments in overcoming barriers to industrial symbiosis
Karolina Södergren, Jenny Palm
(2021) Cleaner Environmental Systems, 2
Journal articleAchieving the Circular Economy: Exploring the Role of Local Governments, Business and Citizens in an Urban Context
Jenny Palm, Nancy Bocken
(2021) Energies, 14
Journal article (comment)Fastighetsägare som prosumenter – stödstrukturer och hinder
Katharina Reindl, Jenny Palm
ReportInstalling PV: Barriers and enablers experienced by non-residential property owners
Katharina Reindl, Jenny Palm
(2021) Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 141
Journal articleCollaborative planning through dialogue models : situated practices, the pursuit of transferability and the role of leadership
Jenny Palm, Daniela Lazoroska
(2021) Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 64 p.164-181
Journal articleComparison of national polycentric settings in the partner countries
Jenny Palm, Klara Eitrem Holmgren
ReportEmergence of carsharing business models and sustainability impacts in Swedish cities
Nancy Bocken, Alexandra Jonca, Karolina Södergren, Jenny Palm
(2020) Sustainability (Switzerland), 12
Journal articleReframing energy efficiency in industry : a discussion of definitions, rationales and management practices
Jenny Palm, Patrik Thollander
(2020) Energy and Behaviour: challenges of a low-carbon future , p.153-176
Book chapterEnergy efficiency in SMEs : overcoming the communication barrier
Jenny Palm, Fredrik Backman
(2020) Energy Efficiency
Journal articleKnowledge about the final disposal of nuclear fuel in Sweden : Surveys to members of parliament and citizens
Jenny Palm
(2020) Energies, 13
Journal articleA call for action on sustainable urban transformation: How to govern missions towards climate neutral cities?
Kes Mccormick, Lena Neij, Jenny Palm
ReportNew Clean Energy Communities in a Changing European Energy System (NEWCOMERS) : Deliverable D3.1 Description of polycentric settings in the partner countries
Jenny Palm, Katharina Reindl, Stephan Sommer, Sarah Darby, Nicolien van der Grijp, et al.
ReportUnderstanding tenants’ responses to energy efficiency renovations in public housing in Sweden : From the resigned to the demanding
Jenny Palm, Katharina Reindl, Aimee Ambrose
(2020) Energy Reports, 6 p.2619-2626
Journal articleEnergy efficiency in the building sector: a combined middle-out and practice theory approach
Katharina Reindl, Jenny Palm
(2020) International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management, 28 p.3-3
Journal articleThe role of cities in the sharing economy : Exploring modes of governance in urban sharing practices
Jenny Palm, Karolina Södergren, Nancy Bocken
(2019) Energies, 12
Journal articleThe Role of Local Governments in Governing Sustainable Consumption and Sharing Cities
Jenny Palm, Nora Smedby, Kes Mccormick
(2019) A Research Agenda for Sustainable Consumption Governance, 1 p.172-184
Book chapterTheoretical framework focusing on learning in polycentric settings
Nicolien van der Grijp, Daniel Petrovics, James Roscoe, Jacob Barnes, Julia Blasch, et al.
ReportByggherredialogen i Sege Park : –reflektioner två år in i processen
Jenny Palm, Nora Smedby
ReportSurvey on Swedish Citizens Knowledge on Nuclear Waste Repository
Jenny Palm, Carl-Reinhold Bråkenhielm
(2019) Energy Proccedings, 4 p.1-1
Conference paperKnowledge on Nuclear Waste Repository in the Swedish Parliament
Jenny Palm
(2019) Energy proceedings, volume 4 : Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Applied Energy, Part 3, Sweden, 2019, 4 p.1-4
Conference paperCome together-the development of Swedish energy communities
Dick Magnusson, Jenny Palm
(2019) Sustainability (Switzerland), 11
Journal articleEnergy efficiency as a wicked problem
Patrik Thollander, Jenny Palm, Johan Hedbrant
(2019) Sustainability (Switzerland), 11
Journal articleDialogue with property owners and property developers as a tool for sustainable transformation : A literature review
Daniela Lazoroska, Jenny Palm
(2019) Journal of Cleaner Production, 233 p.328-339
Journal article reviewArticle Incubator: building interdisciplinary academic writing skills among PhD students
Jenny Palm, Jessika Luth Richter, Steven Curtis, Björn Wickenberg, Heather Schoonover
(2018) LTH:s pedagogiska inspirationskonferens - Proceedings 2018 : 10:e pedagogiska inspirationskonferensen
Conference paperResidential solar electricity adoption : how households in Sweden search for and use information
Jenny Palm, Elina Eriksson
(2018) Energy, Sustainability and Society, 8
Journal articleSufficiency, change, and flexibility : Critically examining the energy consumption profiles of solar PV prosumers in Sweden
Jenny Palm, Maria Eidenskog, Rasmus Luthander
(2018) Energy Research and Social Science, 39 p.12-18
Journal articleBetween grassroots and treetops : Community power and institutional dependence in the renewable energy sector in Denmark, Sweden and the Netherlands
Henk Jan Kooij, Marieke Oteman, Sietske Veenman, Karl Sperling, Dick Magnusson, et al.
(2018) Energy Research and Social Science, 37 p.52-64
Journal articleHousehold installation of solar panels – Motives and barriers in a 10-year perspective
Jenny Palm
(2018) Energy Policy, 113 p.1-8
Journal articleBarriers to and enablers of district cooling expansion in Sweden
Jenny Palm, Sara Gustafsson
(2018) Journal of Cleaner Production, 172 p.39-45
Journal articleA cluster analysis of energy-consuming activities in everyday life
Jenny Palm, Kajsa Ellegård, Mattias Hellgren
(2018) Building Research and Information, 46 p.99-113
Journal articleUnderstanding barriers to energy-efficiency renovations of multifamily dwellings
Jenny Palm, Katharina Reindl
(2018) Energy Efficiency, 11 p.53-65
Journal articleResidential energy consumption from a time-geographic perspective
Jenny Palm, Kajsa Ellegård
(2017) Handbook on the Geographies of Energy , p.195-210
Book chapterLocal energy advising in Sweden : Historical development and lessons for future policy-making
Are E. Kjeang, Jenny Palm, G. Venkatesh
(2017) Sustainability (Switzerland), 9
Journal articleEnergy consulting services in the information age - literature review
Are E. Kjeang, G. Venkatesh, Magnus Ståhl, Jenny Palm
(2017) Energy, Sustainability and Society, 7
Journal article reviewPublic procurement of electric vehicles as a way to support a market : Examples from Sweden
Jenny Palm, Fredrik Backman
(2017) International Journal of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, 9 p.253-268
Journal articleDriving forces and obstacles to nuclear cogeneration in Europe : Lessons learnt from Finland
Martin Leurent, Frédéric Jasserand, Giorgio Locatelli, Jenny Palm, Miika Rämä, et al.
(2017) Energy Policy, 107 p.138-150
Journal articlePolicy network creation as a driver of energy-efficient industry
Jenny Palm, Fredrik Backman
(2017) International Journal of Energy Sector Management, 11 p.143-157
Journal articleAn analysis of everyday life activities and their consequences for energy use
Jenny Palm, Kajsa Ellegård
(2017) Green Energy and Technology , p.237-258
Book chapterWhat characterizes a system builder? The role of local energy companies in energy system transformation
Jenny Palm, Magdalena Fallde
(2016) Sustainability (Switzerland), 8
Journal articleStakeholder participation in municipal energy and climate planning – experiences from Sweden
Paul Fenton, Sara Gustafsson, Jenny Ivner, Jenny Palm
(2016) Local Environment, 21 p.272-289
Journal articleUnderstanding energy efficiency in Swedish residential building renovation : A practice theory approach
Jenny Palm, Katharina Reindl
(2016) Energy Research and Social Science, 11 p.247-255
Journal articleVisualizing energy use in everyday life
Kajsa Ellegård, Jenny Palm
(2016) Energy Accounts : Architectural Representations of Energy, Climate, and the Future , p.56-67
Book chapterWho is behaving? Consequences for energy policy of concept confusion
Kajsa Ellegård, Jenny Palm
(2015) Energies, 8 p.7618-7637
Journal articleSustainable energy and climate strategies : Lessons from planning processes in five municipalities
P. Fenton, S. Gustafsson, J. Ivner, J. Palm
(2015) Journal of Cleaner Production, 98 p.213-221
Journal articleIndustrial energy management decision making for improved energy efficiency-strategic system perspectives and situated action in combination
Patrik Thollander, Jenny Palm
(2015) Energies, 8 p.5694-5703
Journal articlePhotovoltaic self-consumption in buildings : A review
Rasmus Luthander, Joakim Widén, Daniel Nilsson, Jenny Palm
(2015) Applied Energy, 142 p.80-94
Journal article reviewManagement and stakeholder participation in local strategic energy planning - Examples from Sweden
Sara Gustafsson, Jenny Ivner, Jenny Palm
(2015) Journal of Cleaner Production, 98 p.205-212
Journal articleThe meanings of practices for energy consumption - A comparison of homes and workplaces
Jenny Palm, Sarah J. Darby
(2014) Science and Technology Studies, 27 p.72-92
Journal articleStrategies and Implications for Network Participation in Regional Climate and Energy Planning
Jenny Palm, Josefin Thoresson
(2014) Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning, 16 p.3-19
Journal articleEnergy efficiency in renovation processes with focus on time and timing
Katharina Reindl, Jenny Palm
Conference paperThe building process of single-family houses and the embeddedness (or disembeddedness) of energy
Jenny Palm
(2013) Energy Policy, 62 p.762-767
Journal articleImproving energy efficiency in industrial energy systems : An interdisciplinary perspective on barriers, energy audits, energy management, policies, and programs
Patrik Thollander, Jenny Palm
(2013) , 9781447141624
BookEnergy Efficiency in Tenant-Owners' Residences : The Process of Going from Objective to Implementation
Jenny Palm
(2013) Housing Studies, 28 p.57-73
Journal articleImplementation of sustainable energy policy and goals - Can networking explain action?
Jenny Palm
(2012) World Renewable Energy Forum, WREF 2012, Including World Renewable Energy Congress XII and Colorado Renewable Energy Society (CRES) Annual Conference, 6 p.4677-4687
Conference paperExtending the energy efficiency gap
Sandra Backlund, Patrik Thollander, Jenny Palm, Mikael Ottosson
(2012) Energy Policy, 51 p.392-396
Journal articleEnvironmental consciousness
E. Löfström, J. Palm, E. Gullberg
(2012) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home , p.92-98
Book chapterEnergy saving
E. Löfström, J. Palm
(2012) International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home , p.87-91
Book chapterBetween natural monopoly and third party access - Swedish district heating market in transition
Dick Magnusson, Jenny Palm
(2011) Monopolies : Theory, Effectiveness and Regulation , p.1-33
Book chapterEnergy efficiency in households : Policy, implementation and everyday activities
Jenny Palm
BookVisualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for making everyday life more sustainable
Kajsa Ellegård, Jenny Palm
(2011) Applied Energy, 88 p.1920-1926
Journal articleVisualizing energy consumption activities as a tool for developing effective policy
Jenny Palm, Kajsa Ellegård
(2011) International Journal of Consumer Studies, 35 p.171-179
Journal articleMotives for and barriers to household adoption of small-scale production of electricity : Examples from Sweden
Jenny Palm, Maria Tengvard
(2011) Sustainability: Science, Practice, and Policy, 7 p.6-15
Journal articleCompromise and learning when negotiating sustainabilities : The brownfield development of hammarby sjöstad, stockholm
Örjan Svane, Josefin Wangel, Lars A. Engberg, Jenny Palm
(2011) International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development, 3 p.141-155
Journal articleVertical and horizontal governance of emergency management - a study of two regional emergency management councils in Sweden
Jenny Palm, Maria Alm
(2011) Crisis Management , p.209-228
Book chapterAn interdisciplinary perspective on industrial energy efficiency
Jenny Palm, Patrik Thollander
(2010) Applied Energy, 87 p.3255-3261
Journal articleOn the invisible socio-technical systems-the great unknown
Erica Löfström, Jenny Palm
(2010) International Journal of Power and Energy Systems, 30 p.176-182
Journal articleThe public-private divide in household behavior : How far into home can energy guidance reach?
Jenny Palm
(2010) Energy Policy, 38 p.2858-2864
Journal articleInfluencing households' energy behaviour-how is this done and on what premises?
Per Gyberg, Jenny Palm
(2009) Energy Policy, 37 p.2807-2813
Journal articleEmergency management in the Swedish electricity grid from a household perspective
Jenny Palm
(2009) Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 17 p.55-63
Journal articlePlacing barriers to industrial energy efficiency in a social context : A discussion of lifestyle categorisation
Jenny Palm
(2009) Energy Efficiency, 2 p.263-270
Journal articleVisualising household energy use in the interest of developing sustainable energy systems
Erica Löfström, Jenny Palm
(2008) Housing Studies, 23 p.935-940
Journal article reviewWho is governing what? Governing local technical systems - An issue of accountability
Elin Wihlborg, Jenny Palm
(2008) Local Government Studies, 34 p.349-362
Journal articleEmergency management in the Swedish electricity market : The need to challenge the responsibility gap
Jenny Palm
(2008) Energy Policy, 36 p.843-849
Journal articleGoverning the sea rescue service in Sweden : Communicating in networks
Jenny Palm, Eva Törnqvist
(2008) Journal of Risk Research, 11 p.269-280
Journal articleOn the invisible socio-technical systems - The great unknown
Erica Löfström, Jenny Palm
(2007) Proceedings of the 9th IASTED International Conference on Power and Energy Systems, PES 2007 , p.105-110
Conference paperDeveloping local emergency management by co-ordination between municipalities in policy networks : Experiences from Sweden
Jenny Palm, Elina Ramsell
(2007) Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 15 p.173-182
Journal articleDistrict heating as a secure heat supply - A question of regulation
Jenny Palm
(2007) Energy and Environment, 18 p.747-760
Journal articleGoverned by technology? Urban management of broadband and 3G systems in Sweden
Jenny Palm, Elin Wihlborg
(2006) Journal of Urban Technology, 13 p.71-89
Journal articleDevelopment of sustainable energy systems in Swedish municipalities : A matter of path dependency and power relations
Jenny Palm
(2006) Local Environment, 11 p.445-457
Journal article