This year's NESS – Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference focused on sustainability transformations and challenges related to knowledge (co)production. The conference programme centered around 26 workshop sessions.
In the session named "Repower the People? The role of citizens in accelerating energy transition", Jenny Palm and Anna-Riikka Kojonsaari presented their insights from their research and draft article on “Energy democracy, energy justice and energy citizenship – citizen participation in theory and practice”. Jenny and Anna-Riikka used the opportunity to reflect upon when, how and why citizens participate in the energy systems. Other presentations in the workshop discussed energy communities, residents, sharing solutions, energy planning and energy tariffs.
The workshop generated valuable feedback and ideas as well as a discussion on the meaning of citizen participation and non-participation - what is realistic compared to what is desired?
Read the researchers reflections from the session in the latest IIIEE Energy Blogpost here.
Read more about the conference programme here.