At the event, Kes McCormick acknowledged the current events in Ukraine. “Lund University has made clear statements that we stand with the people of Ukraine and for peace. The invasion of Ukraine also highlights that we cannot possibly undertake ambitious climate action and sustainable development without peace and prosperity for all. And many commentators have highlighted, that now more than ever, we must break-free from fossil fuels.”
“Turning to the recent IPCC report. Well, a new film on Netflix has told us all “Don’t Look Up” … and it’s fair to say the same applies to this IPCC report … “Don’t Peak Inside This Report” … it’s a stark reminder of the climate crisis and the immense impacts it is having and will have on humanity and the planet.” explained Kes McCormick. But this IPCC report also strongly defines pathways to avoid and adapt to global warming.
The event proceeded with perspectives from leading researchers at Lund University, including several of which are authors in the recent IPCC report. These researchers delved into what is in this report, what it means from a Swedish perspective and in the bigger picture, and key actions and inspirations for moving forwards. This event was co-organized by the national Strategic Research Areas BECC and MERGE, the Thematic Collaboration Initiative LU Land, and the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS).