IIIEE mobile research lab on food sharing in Milan
On 30th of September - 4th of October, Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Vera Sadovska, Oksana Mont and Andrius Plepys will visit Milan for a mobile research lab on food sharing as part of the CULTIVATE project. The research visit will include fieldwork encompassing interviews with volunteers and food sharing initiatives, municipal authorities, researchers and other actors involved in food sharing and sustainable food systems in Milan, as well as study visits to their organisations, and sense making experiences such as packing and redistributing food boxes for vulnerable households, tasting meals in community kitchens, and sharing food with colleagues and friends. In addition, on 3 October during the mobile research lab, the IIIEE researchers together with the University of Politecnico di Milano will co-host and present at a workshop on Sustainable Food Consumption in Cities.
About the event
Milan, Italy
andrius [dot] plepys [at] iiiee [dot] lu [dot] se